Liebherr 574 hydraulic loader with metal parts [하부 메탈 브루더 유압 휠로더 기본킷]



The LIEBHERR 574 is a Bruder toys hydraulic conversion. 

The wheel loader is delivered assembled and tested.

All metal parts available are included:

- Complete metal structure with wheels, tires and motors.

- Metal main arm and bucket.

- Only top body is original from Bruder.

IMPORTANT: The customer is responsible for models without transmitter work properly. A bad setup of the transmitter can damage the model.

You will need:

- Transmitter 6 channels at least with 2 free mixings.

- Battery 7.4V 2200 mah.

- Charger for Lipo battery.


Weight: ? kg. 

Hydraulic steering.

Pump: Brushless pump. 18 bars.

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